Different name, same mission!

We have some exciting news for you - we have changed our name from RE:MISSION to Changing Lives Charity! The name change became official on 1st April 2019 and the Charity Commission and Companies House have acknowledged the change. You will see changes on this website and our various social media channels.

We believe our new name provides a greater understanding of our mission; 'to provide practical opportunities for people to discover hope and a future for their lives,’ and positively incorporates our current projects - Andrew House and our social enterprise Changing Lives shops.

The next edition of our newsletter is being designed by a local graphic design business, in order to bring a fresh new look to go along with our new name. We are really excited and hopeful for the future! We will shortly be launching our Volunteer Plus (V+) Programme, which is a personalised programme built around education, work-based training and volunteering through meaningful, unpaid employment. Watch this space for further information!

Changing Lives Charity logo facebook.jpg

The Blighty Banquet - Fundraising Event

You are invited to The Blighty Banquet on Saturday 10th November from 7pm at St Andrews Church Centre, Clevedon. The theme of the banquet ties in with the commemorations of 100 years since the cessation of World War One. As such, the 3 course meal will be based on WW1 rationed supplies!

Tickets are £15 per person and are available at any of the Changing Lives shops or by contacting Terry Mears 01275 218056 / terry.mears@re-mission.org.uk or Jeff Peacock 01275 875178 / jeff.peacock@btinternet.com.

All proceeds of the event will go towards our support of Andrew House.

Sleep Out 2018

Sleep Out 2018

It was difficult to find a dry spot to lie in for the 2018 sleepout as the rain poured down and a very cold wind blew across Queen's Square in Clevedon.  However our brave volunteers chose an uncomfortable night to raise awareness of those who have no choice but to seek the best they can in such conditions.  The awning in front of the shops provided welcome cover from the worst of the rain and they stuck it out and were rewarded with a hearty breakfast in the morning.

When the total raised in known it will be published here, but those that took part know that their efforts will help others who might otherwise be forced onto the streets.

Fair Share for All

Fareshare and Re:Mission, are holding a banquet on Friday 3rd November at Christchurch Clevedon to raise funds for their respective services. Fareshare provides food for the homeless at their centre in Bristol whilst Re:Mission currently provides a home for recovering addicts in Clevedon.
The banquet will use food that would have ended up in landfills sites simply because it is surplus to needs. All the food used is perfectly edible and its through the two charities that it can be put to good use.
Those attending can find out more about the work of the charities and also enjoy entertainment from a top string quartet. There will be an opportunity to purchase useful items as sold in Changing Lives shops and take advantage of interesting auction lots.
The doors open at 6.30 to enable everyone to have a good look at all the offerings with dinner being served at 7.30. Space is limited so hurry and order your tickets an interesting and entertaining evening.
Tickets costing £20 or further information from Jeff Peacock 07540497796.    


New Shop for Changing Lives

RE:MISSION's Investment for the Future Continues

Changing Lives the charity shop group supporting Andrew House in Clevedon has re-opened it’s Nailsea store.  As with the other shops and their warehouse, the focus is on furniture and white goods, but just as important are the opportunities for those looking for volunteer positions, work experience and training.  All are invited to apply to the shop or through the Contact pages on this site if you would like to help in this way.

The shop is part of the complex occupied by Waitrose who have been very co-operative in making this happen. 


New Van for Changing Lives

More Wheels for Changing Live

Changing Lives, has been presented with van by a group of young people who have restored it to full working condition.

 The Wheels Project, with whom the young people were working, has been undertaking training programmes in Motor Vehicle studies during which they decided to support one of their local charities with the gift of a large van which they had been working on. The van had been donated to The Wheels Project by Thompson Utilities and needed a major overhaul to bring it up to MOT standard and meet the needs of Changing Lives. 

Recruitment of new drivers and mates to crew this expanding part of the work of RE:MISSION is now taking place..