How to donate

Changing Lives Charity receives no government funding and relies on donations until its business enterprises are able to help support it.  If you are a UK tax payer by adding Gift Aid to your donation it is increased in value by up to 28% to us.  If you give directly to us you may like to fill in the Gift Aid Form by clicking here.

You may donate to Changing Lives Charity easily in these ways:

  •  Give Directly from your bank account to ours. This can be a single donation or you may choose to set up regular giving with a Standing Order. A form for that is available by clicking here. Our Charities Aid Foundation account details are:

         Sort Code: 405240;  Acc No: 00026639

Don't forget to let is know who is giving and if you are intending your gift to be for a specific part of our work.  Please send us a Gift Aid form if you are giving directly and you are entitled to do so.

  •  Send a cheque to Changing Lives Charity, Arden, 33 Cambridge Road, Clevedon, North Somerset BS21 7DN

  Thank you for supporting our work.